SLShapeLayer Class Reference

Inherits from SLLayer : CALayer
Declared in SLShapeLayer.h


One of the layer types used to represent a layer from After Effects in a built Squall- or Core Animation. Contained rectangles, ellipses and freeform paths are represented by SLShapePathLayer.

– getPathLayersWithName:

Returns all the paths contained in this shape layer with the specified name (as named in your AE composition). Freeform paths, rectangles and ellipses all resolve to path layers. Since AE does not enforce unique names it is possible that multiple path layers are returned. It is recommended to use unique names in your AE comp if you want to retrieve a specific layer.

- (NSArray<SLShapePathLayer*> *_Nonnull)getPathLayersWithName:(NSString *_Nonnull)name



Name of the group containing the path in AE (do not use the name of the group that also contains stroke, fill etc.)

Return Value

Array with path layers representating a freeform path, rectangle or ellipse

Declared In


– getGroupsWithName:

Returns all vector groups in this shape layer with the specified name (as named in your AE composition). Groups are the scopes in a shape layer that have their own transform property. Since AE does not enforce unique names it is possible that multiple groups are returned. It is recommended to use unique names in your AE comp if you want to retrieve a specific group.

- (NSArray<CALayer*> *_Nonnull)getGroupsWithName:(NSString *_Nonnull)name



Name of the group you want to retrieve.

Return Value

Array with CALayers, each representing a group with the passed in name

Declared In
